The seventh grade students read Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol and attended the performance at The Public Theater in Lewiston. They chose a character and completed a web to explore the personality and attributes of the character. Each student then wrote a speech, in the character’s voice, to recall his or her experience with Ebenezer Scrooge. The character’s perspective on Scrooge’s remarkable change from a tight-fisted curmudgeon to a magnanimous, benevolent man was the focus of the speech. Next the students put together costumes and practiced their speeches. On Friday, December 16, these characters came to life long enough to video record their speeches with a green screen background. The students then selected a background to reflect a setting appropriate to the particular character and added this to the video. The resulting compilation, “The Christmas Miracle,” tells how Scrooge was transformed from many perspectives.
Students worked on both their writing and public speaking skills to produce this end product. They have used quotations and specific details develop their stories. Costumes and background images lend visual support to these fine speeches.
Mrs. Drown, English Teacher