For the final part of the Conceptual Physics project based around car design, students had to prep their 3D printed cars for the test ramp and were then given three chances to record their fastest speed down the ramp (recorded with a radar sensor) and longest distance travelled off the ramp. Any car that did not make it down the ramp was disqualified for that turn.
We then finished off the project by running racing heats side-by-side to see which of the cars in each class was the fastest to a specified finish line at the end of the ramp. We even raced the fastest design against the best car from last years project.
Here are a few shots from the race prep and race day classes and a close-up of some of the finished designs the students created using the 3D printer and Tinkercad:
And finally, a YouTube playlist of some of the different cars heading down the testing ramp is embedded below: