Gatsby Imitation

There was always laughter and joy coming from her room. In the depths of her own little world, there was nobody to tell her what to do and what not to do, there was nobody to tell her who to be and who not to be. Inside her space, the music freed her, let her express herself how she wanted to, and let her be the most authentic version of herself. Through the door of her room was where her personality could come forth and be seen, it was where she could be honest with herself and know herself for who she was. And behind that door was a girl trying to build the courage to free her biggest secret and display the purest version of herself for the world to see.
Every day when she stepped out of her small safe space, it seemed as though she shoved everything she was into a box and locked it in the closet, only to be unpacked when she was alone in her room again. The fear she felt when she thought about how the world would react overwhelmed her.
At least in the craziness of the world she lived in, there was one person she let into her safe space, Brian, her best friend. Within their friendship they had built an unbreakable bond of trust and that is where her secret was kept safe for a long time. Over time, she began to accept this secret as being a part of her and realized she would have to tell the people she loves the most in order to show them her truest self.
By early evening her mom and dad have arrived at home and settled down into their normal routines. Before she’s able to work up enough courage to go tell her parents her biggest secret her body has frozen, in thought and movement, out of fear, but as she joins her parents in the living room, she is calmed when she notices Brian there to support her, however, as she goes to sit on the couch, her mind and heart are racing as she tries to remember all of the points she wanted to mention. She regathers her thoughts and tells her parents her biggest secret.
Ever since she told her parents, she feels her safe space has become her whole house, not just her small room. Her now bigger, brighter, and happier safe space is freeing in a way her small room never was. She is able to express who she is completely and share it with the two people who always have and always will love her more than anyone else in this world.
Suddenly, after working up the courage to tell her aunt, a giant bomb is hurdled into her world. It seems as if her heart exploded into a million tiny little pieces and she can’t find them without the help of Brian and her parents. The hard to swallow reality that not everyone will accept her with open arms has begun.

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2 Responses to Gatsby Imitation

  1. 20kinga says:

    This is my favorite piece of writing I did all year. I thought this assignment was really hard, but it forced me to articulate my thoughts very carefully. I really had to think about how I was saying what I wanted to say while still having the intended meaning of my thoughts. Having the freedom to write about whatever we wanted while still following Fitzgerald’s outline was something I had never done before, but I thought it helped to bring out a different side of my writing.

  2. 20jubinvillet says:

    I have read this piece multiple times, and given you all kinds of feedback and recommendations, but there is nothing left to change. It is a great piece, with great language and emotion. I know how difficult it was for you to finish this and I think it is not only a great display of your writing but of your awareness of self.

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