Find a Meeting Time with Doodle

doodleR_smallDoodle a free online tool that makes it easy to find a meeting time when every attendee is available. You do not need to create an account, you only need to provide an email address.

1. Go to Doodle’s site:

2. Click the blue Schedule an event button

3. Fill in all the event details and provide your email address. Click Next.

4. Select the potential dates of the meeting by clicking on them in the calendar (you can select one or more dates). Click Next.

5. Enter the different time options for each day (click Add further time slots if you need more slots). Click Next.

6. Create a Basic Poll. Click Next.

7. Select the Everyone with a link can participate option. Click Finish.

9. You can now copy and paste the Doodle link they give you and email this to everyone you want to be at the meeting. Also, open the link yourself and enter the dates and times you can make – you just need to enter your name, tick the options you can make and click Save.

10. To see who has entered their selections you can open the same link. You will also receive email notifications when someone enters their choices. And once everyone is done you can then select a meeting time and let everyone know.

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