There are a number of rooms and labs around campus (as well as the different transit and toaster buses located outside Maintenance) that can be booked in advance for an event or for use during one of your classes. Viewing of prior bookings and the ability to create a new booking is all done through your Google Calendar.
Subscribe to Resource Calendar
To subscribe to the complete calendar for a room (this is useful if you are going to booking the room frequently as it will stayed loaded in your calendar view) load your Google Calendar and then:
– Click the plus icon next to Other calendars
– Click Browse resources:
– Find the room you would like to add from this list and then click the checkbox (you can also click the eye icon here to preview the room’s calendar):
– Click the back arrow in the top left of the browser to return to the normal calendar view
Booking a Resource
To add a new booking for a room click red + Create button in the top left hand corner of the browser, click More options, fill in all the event details such as time, description, etc. and then click where it says Rooms:
From the list that appears, add the room you want to book and then click the blue Save button at the top of your screen. It will appear at the bottom of the list once it is selected. If the room does not appear in this list it means that that time slot is currently unavailable and has already been booked by someone else. If you subscribe to the calendar you will be able to view who has booked it.